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Mozzie Stop Mosquito Dunks - Ten Pack (Information Sheet


Bti -
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis is a group of bacteria used for the biological control of mosquito larvae (1st instar - to early 4th instar).
Bti produces a toxin in the gut of the mosquito larvae, which destroys the larvae gut lining causing death, usually within 12 hours. 4th Instar larvae and pupae are non-feeding and thus won't be affected by
Bti to areas of mosquito larvae populations to obtain a quick knock down effect of mosquito larvae. Fewer larvae means fewer biting adults.
Mosquito larvae can be found in almost any location where there is water. Your backyard has lots of natural (and probably artificial) containers that mosquitoes love to breed in.
This product has been repackaged to provide smaller quantities suitable for the household. Please follow manufacturers instructions. We can help if you need further advise!
The Mozzie Stop Mosquito Dunks have a residual of up to 30 days (varies according to surrounding conditions). The Mosquito Dunks slowly release the
Bti into the water column for the mosquito larvae to eat.
Once a month leave a floating mosquito dunk in each place where water collects around your home. Mosquito larvae feed on the dunks material and are killed by the Bti toxin.
Any Mozzie Stop dunks which dry out will usually start working again when they become wet and unused dunks will remain active indefinitely if stored appropriately (in sealed container, cool, dark and dry conditions). You can break the dunks into smaller pieces for smaller water volumes.
Mozzie Stop Mosquito Dunks are non-toxic to humans and non-target organisms, Fish safe and animal friendly - safe for fish ponds.
Users of mosquito dunks and Liquid
Bti should wash hands with soap thoroughly after using and avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
Bti breaks down rapidly in the environment and is only effective for up to 48 hours against mosquito larvae.
Refer to the information sheets and SDS, and also the
Vectobac label for more detailed information. Or send us an
enquiry we are happy to help!
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