What is S-Methoprene?
(S)-Methoprene is an Insect Growth Regulator - IGR's are classified as biorational control agents, controlling insects by interrupting normal development. When the pellets are when submerged in water, they release (S)-methoprene for up to 30 days, preventing the emergence of adult mosquitoes including common Aedes, Culex and Ochlerotatus species from treated sites. Treated larvae continue to develop normally to the pupal stage after which they fail to emerge. Its important to note that live larvae will be found even when treated with (S)-methoprene.
Unlike conventional pesticides, (S)-methoprene is not a direct toxin. It is target-specific and does not harm mammals, waterfowl, or even beneficial predatory insects. In fact, methoprene has been recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the use in drinking water supplies to control container-breeding mosquitoes in developing countries.
(S)-methoprene has no effect on mosquitoes which have reached the pupal or adult stage prior to treatment. To ensure effective and ongoing control of mosquitoes treatment should be regular every four weeks. Where water is flushed, more frequent treatment may be required.