Many pests have the potential for creating public health nuisances; mosquitoes, nits or head lice, scabies, dust mites, and bed bugs are a few of these common pests that can create nuisance conditions and affect the health of families and individuals. Common insects such as cockroaches and flies may also be disease and bacteria transmitters or nuisance pests such as moths, that cause damage to food and fabric clothing materials in the household. Numerous other insects found in the garden are pests such as thrips, whitefly, vinegar fly, and fungus gnats, are on our fruit and vegetables. Bloodsucking fleas and ticks can affect our pets, livestock and horses. While mites and ticks are not insects (they belong to another group of arthropods - The Acarina) we have included them in this section for ease of reference.
There are multiple methods and products available for the control and elimination of these pests available for purchase today. We aim to provide
environmentally friendly solutions for public health nuisance pests. We believe our range of products are effective and safer for the environment and the household than the more traditional chemical options.
Our company has extensive expertise and experience in Health protection and Health promotion activities and strongly believes that public health protection stems from proactive and preventative care within the household. Our range of products provides effective insect and other pest control solutions for you and your families, your pets and your garden.
We are updating this information section all the time, each of the headings below provides information we think is important when considering the pest problems you may have, further information is also available by clicking on the headings list on the left, and also in other sections of our website, and if your not sure or need more information
please send us an enquiry, we are happy to help!
Mosquito Information
One of the most common household pests we put up with throughout most of the year is the mosquito. We are lucky in New Zealand, having only 15 recognised species of mosquitoes, most countries have more than 100 different mosquito species to annoy them. In Australia alone there are over 300 species. New Zealanders are also very fortunate that we don't have mosquito borne diseases here, while mosquitoes are incredibly annoying we don't have to avoid being bitten for fear of mosquito borne diseases such as; malaria, dengue fever, ross river virus, and murray valley encephalitis. Even in Australia these diseases are present.
Mosquitoes are still very annoying and there are steps that we can take in and around our homes to reduce the number of mosquitoes (Mozzie Stop). Mosquitoes need water to breed, the larval stages (commonly called 'wrigglers') are aquatic and when there is no water, adults fly elsewhere to lay their eggs. One of the easiest things to control around your home is the amount of habitat and water available for the mosquitoes.
Head Lice (Nits) Information
Another public health nuisance pest common throughout New Zealand is the head lice, nit (louse egg) or kutu. It is very common for any school to have a nit problem amongst children at least once a year. They can be difficult to get under control as eggs don't all hatch at once and repeat treatments are often required. Using a nit comb for several weeks is probably the most important aspect of eliminating nits. Regular use of repellent and control shampoos is an ideal proactive approach
Dust Mites Information
House dust mites are a significant trigger of asthma for many people in New Zealand. The mites that commonly cause allergies are of the Pynoglyphoid genera, including species
Dermatophgoides pteronyssinus,
Dermatophygoides farinae and
Blomia tropcaclis. The house dust mite itself doesn't cause the allergy or trigger asthma, and dustmites don't bite or transmit disease. What people become allergic to are the proteins in the mites and their faeces. The trick to keeping them under control is to eliminate as many of the dust mites as possible, this is not that easy! Dust mites are everywhere, its highly likely you can find dust mites in any soft furnishing of the household. Cleaning and dusting won't eliminate of kill house dust mites. But they can be reduced significantly with ecofriendly solutions such as Allerzero and a good housekeeping practices. Weekly wet wipe dusting and washing linen on hot (above 60
0C) is important. There's plenty more information under the Dust mite and allergy triggers section.
Bed Bugs Information
Bed bugs are
parasitic insects that prefer to feed on human blood. The name of the "bed bug" is derived from the insect's preferred habitat of houses and especially beds or other areas where people sleep. Bed bugs are mainly active at night but are not exclusively nocturnal and are capable of feeding on a person without being noticed.
Bed bug bites can cause skin rashes, allergic reactions, loss of sleep, and psychological effects.
Bed bugs have been known as human parasites for thousands of years. In the early 1940s they were mostly eradicated in the developed world but since 1995 have reportedly been on the increase. Because infestation of human habitats has been on the increase, bed bug bites and related conditions have been on the rise as well. Elimination is possible, and is easiest when infestation numbers are low. Monitoring for bedbugs is the simplest most cost effective method to prevent full scale infestations from occurring.
Scabies Information
Scabies is a contagious skin infection that occurs among humans and other animals caused by a tiny and usually not directly visible parasitic mite,
Sarcoptes scabiei. The scabies mite burrows under the host's skin, causing intense allergic itching. The infection in animals, such as dogs and cats is commonly known as mange (and caused by different but related mite species). Anyone can contract scabies: young or old, male or female.
The disease may be transmitted from objects but is most often transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact, with a higher risk with prolonged contact. Initial infections can take up to four to six weeks to become symptomatic, but reinfection may show symptoms within as little as 24 hours. Treatment of skin and bedding is required for several weeks to ensure elimination.

Flea Information
Fleas are wingless insects, with mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. Fleas are external parasites, living off the blood of mammals (including bats and humans) and birds.
Flea treatment on a regular basis is the key to control. There are over 2000 described species world wide, some flea species include:
Tick Information
The New Zealand Cattle tick or Bush tick thrives in a moist, temperate environment and can be found in many places through out New Zealand. Adults are most common during spring and summer and larvae can be seen mid summer to mid autumn. The cattle or bush tick has dark reddish brown legs.
If the ticks appear in large numbers they are usually associated with cattle, but can infest most wild animals and birds, as well as most domestic animals including horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, pigs and poultry.
Heavy infestations can cause serious blood loss to the animal and may even kill the host. Lesser infestations cause tick worry and some blood loss. They can be distressing to the host animal, and its quite unpleasant to find a tick attached anywhere on your own body! Incorrect removal can leave the ticks mouth parts embedded under the skin, which can become infected. Tick removal tools are simple, safe and effective solutions.
Tick species biological profiles are also available. Click here.
Blackfly Information
In New Zealand known as sandflies (Te namu), worldwide termed blackflies are vicious day biters, espeacially befor dusk and after dawn. There are three man biting species in New Zealand, which occur near damp bush, swamps, rivers and lakes. Sandflies, or correctly blackflies, breed in running water and the females need the blood to obtain proteins for their eggs. They can be a nuisance pest and the reaction to the bites can be very painful. Apart from avarian malaria in birds they do not carry diseases that affect humans.