January 2018
February 2018
Kia Ora Koutou. This January has broken all the climatic records in New Zealand, with the hottest month on record. This year January has also been the mozziest January registered in the past years (Figure 3). However, it has not been the most numerous month in record, have a look to the last year chart in the December 2017 Border Health Newsletter, and check the larval numbers for March for an example. |
Kia Ora Koutou. This February has shown very high mozzie numbers, breaking the record of last year’s Culex quinquefasciatus larvae, with everything suggesting that next month will be very active as well. In the news, Dengue Fever is spreading among the Pacific Islands, India and the Americas, while Chikungunya is spreading in Kenya. Meanwhile, scientists are focused on mosquito brains to help them to understand mosquito behaviour and also to help create a Zika vaccine.
March 2018
April 2018
Kia Ora Koutou. This month the Ministry of Health has released a new video to launch the campaign with tips on how to prevent mosquito bites. If you travel overseas remember to Fight the bite – day and night! Watch the video here. Mosquito numbers have decreased in comparison to last month, and with the weather getting cooler it seems this tendency will continue over the next few months. |
Kia Ora Koutou, it was great to see many of you at the Health Protection Forum in Wellington. It was interesting learning more about all the activities that PHOs are involved in. I noticed that you were all really busy this summer and not only with mosquitoes. Fortunately, mosquito numbers have decreased in comparison to last month, and with the weather getting cooler it seems this tendency will continue over the upcoming winter. |
September 2018
October 2018
The 13thConference of the Mosquito Control Association of Australia was held in Kingscliff, NSW, Australia, gathering experts in mosquito biology, ecology, the diseases they transmit their control and new tecnologies implemented in their management Read more.Below a picture of the New Zealand team that attended the conference. News this month focuses on the fight against malaria: Scientists are releasing male Anophelesin Africa to help reduce malaria. In the new section “Know your mosquito” learn more about Aedes albopictus. |
It was great to meet many of you in the Pest and Vectors course this month in Auckland. It is fantastic to put faces to the names of the people you work with every day! This month we have some tips for you to protect yourself from mosquito-borne diseases. The news this month focusses on the importance of public involvement and government diligence when it comes to mosquito control and identification for example, a story from Maryland USA discusses how getting home owners in a suburb of Maryland involved with mosquito trapping has seen a 76% reduction in the Asian tiger mosquito in the neighbourhood! |