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NZBEL 2016

Welcome to 2016! 

The newsletters contain summary data of mosquito surveillance activities undertaken for the month, any incursions or interceptions of exotic mosquitoes and information regarding mosquitoes and related diseases which may be of interest. If you would like to see any additional inclusions in the newsletter please let us know! "". The laboratory newsletters can be downloaded by clicking on the document icon below. 

January 2016documentsmall-615


documentsmall-615February 2016


Hi everybody! For the last few weeks I have heard “Zika, Zika, Zika!” The media have reported about the new virus (although it’s been around for decades only that not much attention was paid to it until recently) and, especially since the WHO has declared the Zika outbreak a global health emergency, the Mozzie Hotline has run hot

indeed. People calling because they think they have been bitten by “A ZIKA MOSQUITO” although there are no mosquitoes in New Zealand that transmit the Zika virus.



Hi everybody! Zika is still a highlight for the border health news, there are so many discussions and speculations circulating, and researchers around the globe are trying to find out more about this virus and the possibility of a vaccine.  It is still not proven that microcephaly is caused by Zika, or if different agents are to blame. But don’t let us forget about the other arboviruses, such as Dengue and Malaria. See the news regarding a Dengue Vaccine in Philippines.

March 2016documentsmall-615


documentsmall-615April 2016

Hi Everybody! Winter is not here yet, even if some days are already cold as…but the numbers of mosquito tell a different story: they are very high for this time of the year. 2015/16 is quite obviously a very good season if you are a mosquito (and lucky enough to escape the busy HPOs). And busy it was with three extraordinary events:

first we had an unusual cluster of Dengue cases in January, then there was the unusual case of Zika during February, and lastly Aedes aegypti larvae were found in one of the routine tyre traps. The delimit surveys and response following all three events unveiled no (further) exotics. Well done to everybody involved!!!


Hi everybody, it was nice to see some of you at the Health Protection Forum in Wellington recently and I have enjoyed the visit to the Port of Tauranga resulting in many productive discussions. I am interested in seeing the results of different light bulbs used in the light traps. The number and distribution of Culex quinquefasciatus this season is still interesting and we will definitely keep an eye on this. Please visit our website for checklists that you can download, laminate and add to your surveillance folder, especially for staff who are new or those that haven’t carried out mosquito surveillance in a while.

May 2016documentsmall-615


documentsmall-615June 2016


Hi everyone! It seems the mosquito filled season is over (almost) but let’s get stuck in and prepare for the next one. There are some new and interesting gadgets out there to make our lives easier and the life of a mosquito harder: You’ll find new repellent inventions in the “World of Mosquito technology” topic. 


Hi everyone! As winter is upon here in New Zealand our numbers have dropped but with Dengue and Malaria in India, Chikungunya and Yellow Fever in Africa, Zika threatening Americas, it is no wonder we are looking into defeating strategies such as bloated mosquitoes.

July 2016documentsmall-615

documentsmall-615August 2016

Hi everybody! If you haven’t been to the most recent Border Health

and Ship Sanitation Course in Wellington, I am sure you have

heard from your colleagues about it (what a nice day in Wellington to practice ship sanitation on NIWA’s research vessel). I

particularly enjoyed learning about how to interpret the x-ray pictures at Wellington Airport. I hope everyone who attended has had a great time and is eager to integrate new knowledge and experiences into their part of Border Health (Tsjakka!). The Medical Vector Handbook has been revised and apart from the scientific facts about vector-biology and diseases it includes new (and old) technical instructions about vector surveillance in NZ. After some more proofreading and formatting it will be uploaded to our website. Watch this space!

Hi everybody! Olympia is over. But here comes a retrospective

about the sport event out of a mosquito perspective. The crowd booed US football goal Keeper Hope Solo and chanted. Zika! Zika"!" in the match versus New Zealand. TWITTER: Hope Solo posted a picture of mosquito netting andmore than a dozen bottles of repellent The posts caused a backlash, with some Brazilians seeing  them as a slight to their country, which has been battling a nationwide Zika outbreak. The Brazilian authorities deployed

thousands of soldiers to fumigate key areas and to educate people about mosquito prevention measures. The top four golfers in the world, including Rory McIlroy, pulled out of the Games because of fears over the virus. But despite the concern voiced by some

scientists, the World Health Organization had said mosquito activity was relatively low in Brazil during August.

September 2016documentsmall-615

documentsmall-615October 2016

The mozzie numbers are still low in New Zealand, and its know wonder if you look out the window. That gives us some time to discuss the newest wrap-ups about Zika. This arbovirus is keeping the world on tenderhooks. It is believed that we should prepare for a "global epidemic" of microcephaly. But it seems that the potential surge in birth defects could extend far beyond the microcephaly. Zika should be considered a congenital viral disease like rubella or cytomegalovirus. Its time for another special Zika issue, this time focusing on vaccination news, studies about possible vectors and problems that come with control measures.

It has been another great time with HPOs at the PEST MANAGEMENT AND VECTOR SURVEILLANCE WORKSHOP in Auckland at the Holiday Inn. I’ve enjoyed our discussions a lot especially those about how to achieve the best results of aged water and about airports. Here is a good one (in terms of disease spread) about an airport in Africa: “It's chaotic and sweaty with illogical lines, likened to a mosh pit sauna. The boarding gates are notoriously hot, dirty and crowded, and toilets and seats are broken more often than not. Unfortunately the arrivals hall is a tent and a mosquito sanctuary, lacking toilets and air conditioning.” 

November 2016 documentsmall-615

documentsmall-615December 2016

WELCOME! The mosquito season has doubtlessly started in New Zealand. In the last MoH circular letter you would have found information about Bti-dunks and a recommended gear list. If you have questions in this regard, especially about GPS cellphone apps and photographing mosquitoes please contact the lab.

Happy New Year!: 2017 introduces itself with a range of obscure Malaria-News: 
A Seattle lab’s unconventional approach to a malaria vaccine, once dismissed as crazy, worked well in early tests but faces a long road to reality. In an experimental trial, 10 local volunteers were bitten by infected mosquitoes and no one got sick. After the bites, the volunteers’ bodies produced antibodies that could be potent enough to confer immunity to future infections. 
Southern Monitoring Services Ltd is 100% Kiwi owned and operated business established in 1995. The company Directors have a strong public health background having qualified and worked in the public sectors of Environmental Health and Health Protection. 
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Southern Monitoring Services 

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